2021-10-29 发布
1549 人浏览

The Online International Confucian Studies Summer Institute was successfully held in July 2021. With the purpose of revealing to the world a holistic, genuine and three-dimensional take of view China, the Confucian Summer Workshop has within the wide scope of Chinese-Western comparative studies and the inter-connected discourse system of the Chinese “Yiduobufen”, studied the exchanges and mutual learning between Confucian and the world’s many civilizations in a bid to tell the Chinese story.


We hope that more and more people will join our cause. We all join hands together to welcome a world that is truly a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity. Gathering 125 Chinese and foreign participants from 27 countries of the world, we hope the pandemic ends quickly to restore personal frank and open discussions in the classroom on Chinese and world cultures.


安乐哲 (Roger T.Ames)

      安乐哲(Roger T. Ames),1947年生于加拿大,北京大学人文讲席教授、世界著名中西比较哲学家、国际知名汉学大师、世界儒学文化研究联合会会长、国际儒学联合会副会长,山东省特聘“儒学大家”、博古睿研究院中国中心学术委员会主席、尼山世界儒学
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